Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Time out by my team, advertisement ; Missing Malaysia
My brother:
a) he is better in spiritual walk than me
b) taller than me
c) more hansem than me(ok ok , I know i've been denying this fact when I was back at home, but now I admit ,ok ?)
d) closer in relation with my family members(I guess I play too much computer or being selfish)
I talk to Adrian about how much I miss my bro and he said something that really struck me, "did you tell him that you miss him?" I pause for awhile and said I never tell him ...because of my pride...
oh well, I guess my body contains most of the"7 deadly sins" haha
Just wanted to tell you Kit, that I love you and never really appreaciate you when I was at home, this time of seperation will gimmie a good lesson I guess, will pray for you and hope you will study hard, keep mum and dad's blood pressure low and keep the house in harmony, show Christ's love to Har cheh and Grandma too :) and keep Rover alive so that when I come home, I can take it out for a walk :) love you bro.
Sister ah Teng: 24th of October, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! now that you grow older I hope you continue to grow in ur spiritual walk too ! don't watch too much Tv and study harder. I love you too :)
Dad and Mum: try to find the fountain of youth so that both of you will continue to stay young, it's been wonderful for being around both of you, though there are times that I ran out of house and make you 2 grow more wrinkles because of frowning at me. Thanks for sending me to the States even though is not easy for both of you, I will show you that this "football field" of my life is worth it, with God by myside I'll reach the "touchdown line" :) love you all too :)
To friends : I miss you guys, lots !!! pray that all of you too, will walk closer with Christ :)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Incomplete pass, 2nd down; More Injuries
There's this Saturday where we went to Wal-Mart and bought a 10 dollars microwave lagsane, some microwave cheesy garlic bread, and some vege.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sack ! 5 yard back ; Lost soul in America
I felt ... lonely, I realize I have taken many things for granted, like parents, siblings and friends back home. This loneliness bring forth a time of reflection, reflection upon my walk with God. In this country of freedom, there is nobody to tell me what to do, I can skip church, refuse to serve, I can even don't eat because there is nobody to tell me when to eat.
This time of reflection showed me that I've lose focus on Christ, please continue to pray for me, as I continue to persevere to the touchdown line.
I wrote something blindly few weeks ago, it's for my world literature paper, now that I've re-read it again, I finally find meaning in it, and therefore would like to share it with everyone.
Oh God you are my God, and I will ever praise you. I will seek you in the morning, and I will follow you all of my days, and step by step you lead me, and I will follow you all of my days. Humans, the unique creation of yours, find meaning in you alone. Bearing your image, we are to live a life that reflect your face and your nature. In all creation, humans find themselves empty, untill you satisfy them, and only you can satisfy them. You made a hole in our heart, a hole that resemble your shape, we humans have tried and found everything on earth to fill in the hole, but nothing can fit the hole or satisfy us, because that hole only can fill by you, God. "You stir man to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you(Augustine 3)." Not only do you satisfy me, but also your love oh God, amazes me. I wonder and ponder upon your love, and found no understanding in it. Heaven and earth could not contain your love and therefore you created us, so that your overflowing and abundance of love can be fill in us, even so, generation after generation of people could not contain your love. Just as the song 'the love of God' says, to write the love of God above, would drain the ocean dry. Nor could the scroll contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky. Still, despite of dwelling in your love, in the middle of the garden is where the beginning of us turning away from you. Your love oh God, seeks to reunite us with you, you made every effort by turning us away from sin and lead us back to you, but again and again we despise and rejected you. You send your son to die for us when we are still sinners, through crucified and death came our salvation. 2000 years has passed, and here am I struggling day and night with sin, trying my best to grasp hold of your love and staying in the race, and finish it victoriously.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Another short gain, 2 yard gain ; more new friends(neighbor)
2-3weeks later, this is how my room looks like :
Our room system is like this, there is a toilet south of my bed, and the toilet is connected to the next room, so as I walk accross I'll reach my neighbor's room, here's the first view as you open the door:
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Short gain, 2 yard gain; new friends + 1st time eating out
Clay drove us to this place call Cracker Barrel.
Clay is the guy in blue, the person on his right, which is Josh refuse to be taken in the pic, the asian directly infront is Welles, and the indian is Roshan.
SACK ! 3 Yard back ! ; injured ankle
I was playing basket ball with my friend, and did some lay up and never land properly.
And I was wearing a futsal shoe, not a basket ball shoe to play, so ... no ankle protection.
This is the result of not warming up before sports.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Another complete pass ! 5 yard gain ! first down ! ; meeting with Adrian
yea yea, I know, it's just the beggining of my journey, and I'm already thinking about my graduation.
Sigh, Can't help it, I just miss the poeple back home, rice, etc etc.
Alright, back to action, after surviving for 1 week, God sent another mana from heaven, Adrian drove all the way from Dallas (which is about 3 and a half hour) to Abilene to drive me around in Abilene.
here's the pic:
A picture of Adrian = I too in America
Well, basically this picture is just an evident of me in America, so that you guys won't think that I change the flight ticket and fly to Sodom and Gomorah to enjoy my life like the prodigal son.
Adrian smiling at the cam
While I am taking picture, Adrian is chilling out with his friend
Owner of the pet and her pet
After spending a few hours in her house, Adrian drove me to Wal-Mart to buy some necessity like tooth brush(just kidding), shampoo bath gel, drinking water.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
SET ! HUT ! Pass Complete ! 5 Yards Gain ! ; Stepping on America's soil
Oh well, 1st week was basically orientation week, know people etc.
The first person that approach me was Roshan from Malaysia, will intro more about him later in the blog but as for now I'm going to show you some pic of my room.